Have you ever wondered why Spring has always been such a popular time in the calendar to get cleaning? Well.... with the warmth and dryness that spring brings, many people seize the opportunity to scrub away the dirt and grime that has accumulated over the wet and muddy winter.
People feel energised by the extra sun and it's often the time people 'reset' - whether it’s in your home or out on your equine yard or stables. Spring is definitely the time to clean and tidy ready to start the busy equestrian season ahead.
Of course, we are also much more aware of the need to keep clinically clean, and many yards have incorporated 'deep cleaning' into their stable routines.
Below is some advice on how to get started plus some very popular products that will help you sanitise your yard during your Spring clean this year.
Where do you start with cleaning your equine yard
Before you start a job like cleaning up your yard, make sure you have everything you need, plus do a few things to make the job easier and more enjoyable for yourself. Start by opening all the stable windows to maximise ventilation and optimise light (things are going to get dusty). Utilising a radio on the day of your Spring clean is highly recommended – it may be cold outside but there is something lovely about working on a cold clear morning with the radio playing music in the background. Here is a checklist of some of the things you might need:
So….let’s get down to it….
How to Deep Clean Stables
To fully sanitise your stable, you will need to remove EVERYTHING from the area. This includes all the bedding, rubber matting, feed buckets and more. This is also a great opportunity to check whether anything needs replacing or if just a good clean will do. For example, if you have stable matting a good scrub will often make them look good as new. However, if they are old and worn thin in some areas it may be less hassle just to buy some fresh ones.
It is also a good opportunity to check feed buckets for any cracks. Damaged buckets should be replaced these will risk harming your horse. And why not switch up your colours? If you’re feeling really bold you could even opt for one of our famous Farm & Stable Yellow Tough Buckets.
Remember to pay attention to all areas of the stables, including the walls and the corners of the room. It is likely that plenty of cobwebs will have accumulated and have been collecting a lot of dust, so remove these with a broom. You’ll be surprised how much dust will fill the air when you do this. Our Corn Brooms are particularly good at getting into corners.
You’ll want to completely remove all the bedding, use a shovel or scrape up any old remnants and sweep up using a broom. Once your stable is completely bare and you have removed all the bedding and mats, clean the stable with a good disinfectant. This will remove any underlying parasites and bacteria. You may want to use a fogger for quick and easy disinfecting.
Before remaking your horse’s bed, make sure that the disinfectant has been rinsed away and the floor is dry before re-adding any shavings or straw on top of it.
With so much feed around, whilst you are spring cleaning, keep an eye out for traces of mice and rats. They are often around busy yards – during the spring you may find they are particularly active. Rest assured, we have a range of rodent control products. The easiest way to make sure when you discover mice or rats is to deal with them swiftly before they become a real problem.
How to clean a Tack Room and Riding Equipment
All grooming equipment, boots and numnahs should be washed on a regular basis, particularly in the warmer months when your horse will sweat more. This is because when your horse sweats it leaves dried-on dirt, and this can lead to rubs and sores.
During the winter it can be harder to get all your stuff cleaned and dried. So, make the most of the good drying weather and put those washes on! The textile pieces of equipment such as boots and numnahs and rugs are usually easy to keep clean, simply remove loose hair and dirt and pop them in your washing machine….but make sure you check the washing instructions first! It is also a great idea to add Steri-7 to your rug wash to help get rid of parasites, bacteria and viruses. Brushes can also be easy to clean– simply pop them in a bucket of warm clean water with a small amount of soap (you can use washing up liquid or a mild detergent that is similar). Clean the bristles with another brush and wash off the suds and debris. Just always make sure you dry them fully before storing them away in tack boxes or bags.
If you are feeling super on top of your Spring clean, you can give your leather some TLC too. Take your tack apart so you can really glean away the dirt that gets stuck in the hard-to-reach places- this is usually where the leather will start to crack if it is not given a regular clean. You’ll find lots of leather care products to help you too. Once your tack is clean and dry rub it with a bit of saddle soap or oil. However, we recommend avoiding putting saddle soap on top of the saddle and on the saddle flaps. We don’t want it rubbing off on your white/cream breaches when you go to your next show!
If you are preparing for a show, here is a great blog to help you tailor your horse’s nutrition for the competitive season. Learn how to support your horse and power its performance here.
Finally, below is a list of powerful disinfectants that would be ideal for you to use during your deep clean.
Which are the best equine Disinfectants
Verbax -
The powdered disinfectant for broad spectrum pathogen control. Effective against all classes of virus and both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Verbax is safe to use and readily biodegradable. It is also DEFRA approved.
Prosan -
Prosan is a potent micro-granular disinfectant, ideal for use in stables to absorb moisture and inhibit micro-organisms, flies, smells and bugs. Prosan is pH-neutral, gentle, kind to the skin and is always a popular product.
Steri-7 -
The outstanding performance of Steri-7 has been testified by many leading veterinarians, training stables, studs and equine establishments. It is proven to kill up to 99.999% of all major pathogens helping to defend against harmful Viruses, Spores, Moulds and Bacteria. Steri-7 is one of the most advanced disinfectant cleaners to be introduced into the Equine marketplace and is the only product that has been independently tested and proven to remain active for 14 days after application. This means when applied to a stable wall, floor or door, all tack and even rugs and blankets, the biocide in STERI-7 kills the germs present. At the same time, a lasting barrier is created that ensures that germs subsequently introduced to it will also be killed. You can also, add Steri-7 to your rug wash to get rid of ringworm.
To help you with your spring clean, we have some excellent offers on these products.